
British ARIA ‘Exploring Options for Actively Cooling the Earth’

According to a thesis published by the British Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), the DARPA-inspired agency is “exploring options for actively cooling the Earth.” The report’s justification for forced weather engineering is based on the politically calibrated 1.5°C target limit for ‘global warming,’ even though this target threshold is not actually based on any scientific calculation. ARIA proposed approaches for interfering with Earth’s natural weather include stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), marine cloud brightening (MCB), and cirrus cloud thinning (CCT).

Absent laws prohibiting these types of polluting atmospheric interventions, the agency proposes governing the hazardous activities themselves with input from independent ‘experts,’ but without public consent.

“Structured oversight. ARIA’s leadership will be responsible for programme approval and governance oversight, leveraging input from independent experts. ARIA has also established a Committee of the Board for ethical and social responsibility, which will have visibility across all ARIA programmes.” -p.6

Peer Review Report on Global Precipitation Enhancement Activities

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